You are enthroned in heaven
Beauty unlike I’ve ever seen
No eye has seen
You are enthroned in heaven
I am a sinner on my knees
Woe is me
Holy, You are holy
There is none beside Thee
And all Your works shall praise Your name
Singing holy, You are holy
Your voice is a burning ember
One touch and I’m forever changed
I’m not the same
Your voice is a burning ember
Each time I hear You call my name
I’m not the same
Holy, You are holy
There is none beside Thee
And all Your works shall praise Your name
Singing holy, You are holy
Singing holy, You are holy
/ I am ruined by Your kindness, I am broken by Your love
I surrender my resistance
To the righteous heart of God /2
Holy, You are holy
There is none beside Thee
And all Your works shall praise Your name
Singing holy, You are holy
Holy, You are holy
Merciful and mighty
And all Your works shall praise Your name
Singing holy, You are holy
Singing holy, You are holy
Top 20 Inspirational Songs: Spiritual Melodies to Lift Your Soul
2. Jesus Christ, you are my life
17. Jesus, what a wonder you are
18. Lord, I offer my life to you
Top 20 des chansons inspirantes : des mélodies spirituelles pour élever votre âme
1. Tu es mon berger ô seigneur
2. Comment ne pas te louer seigneur jesus
3. Dans le cœur de l’eglise ma mère
5. Pour que l’amour règne sur la terre
6. Tu fais ta demeure en nous seigneur
8. Ô viens jésus ô viens Emmanuel
9. Marie témoin d’une espérance
10. Dieu nous accueille en sa maison
12. Je t’exalte ô roi mon Dieu
14. Ecoute, ton Dieu t’appelle
16. Venez à moi vous qui peinez
17. L’Esprit de Dieu repose sur moi
20. Nous voulons vivre ta mission d’amour