The lily of the valley

I have found a friend in Jesus.
He’s everything to me.
He’s the fairest of
ten thousand to my soul.

The Lily of the Valley
in Him alone I see
All I need to cleanse and
make me fully whole.

In sorrow He’s my comfort
in trouble He’s my stay.
He tells me every care
on Him to roll.

He’s the Lily of the Valley
the Bright and Morning Star.
He’s the fairest of ten
thousand to my soul.

He will never, never leave me
nor yet forsake me here.
While I live by faith
and do His blessed will.

A wall of fire about me.
I’ve nothing now to fear.
With His manna
He my hungry soul shall fill.

Then sweeping up to glory to see His blessed face,
Where rivers of delight shall ever roll.

He’s the Lily of the Valley
the Bright and Morning Star.
He’s the fairest of
ten thousand to my soul.


Top 20 Inspirational Songs: Spiritual Melodies to Lift Your Soul

1. We are one body

2. Jesus Christ, you are my life

3. Mother mary

4. Because he lives

5. Instrument of peace

6. One bread, one body

7. You are my all in all

8. A beautiful exchange

9. Aftermath

10. Believe

11. Consuming fire

12. Deliverer

13. Faithful

14. Father, I adore you

15. Here I am, lord

16. I love you, lord

17. Jesus, what a wonder you are

18. Lord, I offer my life to you

19. Mary, did you know

20. Refiner’s fire

Top 20 des chansons inspirantes : des mélodies spirituelles pour élever votre âme

1. Tu es mon berger ô seigneur

2. Comment ne pas te louer seigneur jesus

3. Dans le cœur de l’eglise ma mère

4. Changez vos coeurs

5. Pour que l’amour règne sur la terre

6. Tu fais ta demeure en nous seigneur

7. Ô père des lumières

8. Ô viens jésus ô viens Emmanuel

9. Marie témoin d’une espérance

10. Dieu nous accueille en sa maison

11. Au coeur de ce monde

12. Je t’exalte ô roi mon Dieu

13. Oui je me lèverai

14. Ecoute, ton Dieu t’appelle

15. Dieu nous te louons

16. Venez à moi vous qui peinez

17. L’Esprit de Dieu repose sur moi

18. Comme lui

19. Entre tes mains

20. Nous voulons vivre ta mission d’amour


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